Starting on Thursday 14th September 2017 Go Create! will be providing guided arts and crafts lessons. These classes will be aimed at children from 8+ years. We will also offer classes for children from 2-4 years and 5-7 years. For more information or to book onto these classes please click here.
The arts and craft classes for children aged 8+ will be held on Thursday from 3.30-4.30pm
Under the supervision of their tutor the children will learn skills such as drawing, painting, printing, modelling, collage and weaving.
Each week the children will cover a variety of topics such as nature, architecture, travel, food and photography.
These art courses will be held in 6 weekly blocks with each term being themed. The theme for the first term shall be colours.
Parents are required to stay with their children
We expect demand for places to be high and places are strictly limited.
Term 1 is from Thurs 14th September – Thurs 2nd November
(not including half term Thurs 26th October 2017)
PLEASE NOTE: Bookings are on a per term basis. If you book later on in the term your child will attend less classes and pay more.
To book please complete the form below. The fee is £36.00 for the first term. After booking you will be able to pay by PayPal. If you are unable to use PayPal cheques and BACS are also accepted methods. Cheques should be made payable to Create It Merseyside Ltd. BACS Sort: 09-01-28 Acct: 79006553
I understand that fees are non refundable if classes are not attended.